Expansion of the genus Imleria in North America to include Imleria floridana, sp. nov., and Imleria pallida, comb. nov

Autor: Alan R. Franck, James R. Garey, Arian Farid, Jason Bolin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Mycologia. 112:423-437
ISSN: 1557-2536
Popis: Imleria is a small genus of Boletaceae found primarily in the Northern Hemisphere characterized by the light to dark brown hymenophore that stains blue. In Florida, specimens of Imleria were collected that resembled I. badia, a species known primarily from northeastern North America and Europe. Five nuclear loci of these Florida specimens were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. A nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) phylogeny of Imleria was generated using primarily uncultured environmental sequences to confirm ectomycorrhizal associations. Based on morphological and molecular data, we describe a new species, Imleria floridana. Results from these analyses also support the new combination Imleria pallida. A lectotype of I. pallida is also established from Charles H. Peck's original material. We discuss the distinguishing characters and species of Imleria found in North America and provide a key to the known worldwide species of Imleria.
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