Recent results on Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV from the WA98 experiment at CERN

Autor: B. Wyslouch, M.M. Aggarwal, A. Agnihotri, Z. Ahammed, A.L.S. Angelis, V. Antonenko, V. Arefiev, V. Astakhov, V. Avdeitchikov, T.C. Awes, P.V.K.S. Baba, S.K. Badyal, A. Baldine, L. Barabach, C. Barlag, S. Bathe, B. Batiounia, T. Bernier, K.B. Bhalla, V.S. Bhatia, C. Blume, R. Bock, E.-M. Bohne, D. Bucher, A. Buijs, E.-J. Buis, H. Büsching, L. Carlen, V. Chalyshev, S. Chattopadhyay, R. Cherbatchev, T. Chujo, A. Claussen, A.C. Das, M.P. Decowski, V. Djordjadze, P. Donni, I. Doubovik, M.R. Dutta Majumdar, K. El Chenawi, S. Eliseev, K. Enosawa, H. Feldmann, P. Foka, S. Fokin, V. Frolov, M.S. Ganti, S. Garpman, O. Gavrishchuk, F.J.M. Geurts, T.K. Ghosh, R. Glasow, S.K. Gupta, B. Guskov, H.A. Gustafsson, H.H. Gutbrod, R. Higuchi, I. Hrivnacova, M. Ippolitov, H. Kalechofsky, R. Kamermans, K.-H. Kampert, K. Karadjev, K. Karpio, S. Kato, S. Kees, H. Kim, B.W. Kolb, I. Kosarev, I. Koutcheryaev, A. Kugler, P. Kulinich, V. Kumar, M. Kurata, K. Kurita, N. Kuzmin, I. Langbein, A. Lebedev, Y.Y. Lee, H. Löhner, D.P. Mahapatra, V. Manko, M. Martin, A. Maximov, R. Mehdiyev, G. Mgebrichvili, Y. Miake, D. Mikhalev, G.C. Mishra, Y. Miyamoto, D. Morrison, D.S. Mukhopadhyay, V. Myalkovski, H. Naef, B.K. Nandi, S.K. Nayak, T.K. Nayak, S. Neumaier, A. Nianine, V. Nikitine, S. Nikolaev, P. Nilsson, S. Nishimura, P. Nomokov, J. Nystrand, F.E. Obenshain, A. Oskarsson, I. Otterlund, M. Pachr, A. Parfenov, S. Pavliouk, T. Peitzmann, V. Petracek, F. Plasil, M.L. Purschke, B. Raeven, J. Rak, S. Raniwala, V.S. Ramamurthy, N.K. Rao, F. Retiere, K. Reygers, G. Roland, L. Rosselet, I. Roufanov, J.M. Rubio, S.S. Sambyal, R. Santo, S. Sato, H. Schlagheck, H.-R. Schmidt, G. Shabratova, I. Sibiriak, T. Siemiarczuk, D. Silvermyr, B.C. Sinha, N. Slavine, K. Söderström, N. Solomey, S.P. Sørensen, P. Stankus, G. Stefanek, P. Steinberg, E. Stenlund, D. Stüken, M. Sumbera, T. Svensson, M.D. Trivedi, A. Tsvetkov, C. Twenhöfel, L. Tykarski, J. Urbahn, N.v. Eijndhoven, W.H.v. Heeringen, G.J.v. Nieuwenhuizen, A. Vinogradov, Y.P. Viyogi, A. Vodopianov, S. Vörös, M.A. Vos, K. Yagi, Y. Yokota, G.R. Young
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Nuclear Physics A. 638:147c-158c
ISSN: 0375-9474
DOI: 10.1016/s0375-9474(98)00409-6
Popis: We present recent results obtained with the WA98 experiment at CERN SPS. The experiment consists of large acceptance hadron and photon spectrometers which allow to study many aspects of heavy ion collisions. We use event-by-event measurements of charged and neutral particle multiplicity to establish the limit on the prodution of Disoriented Chiral Condensates. We use the Plastic Ball detector together with a set of tracking chambers to study collective flow. The tracking chambers together with the excellent particle identification allow us to study the production of Δ ++ . The high resolution photon calorimeter array allows us to study inclusive photon and π 0 spectra and search for excess direct photons.
Databáze: OpenAIRE