Endogenous 6-Hydroxymelatonin Excretion and Subsequent Risk of Breast Cancer: A Prospective Study

Autor: Paola C Muti
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: The prevalence of breast cancer is greatest in industrialized regions and exposure to light at night has been proposed as a potential risk factor. Modulation of melatonin secretion by light has been implicated in the causal pathway linking exposure to light and breast cancer risk. Recent evidence indicates that melatonin is a natural oncostatic agent capable of functioning through a variety of anti-proliferative, anti-oxidative, and immunostimulatory mechanisms. We conduct a study to investigate the association of prediagnostic melatonin production and subsequent breast cancer risk in a prospective cohort study, the Italian ORDET study. Thus, prediagnostic melatonin production will be measured as urine levels of the 6-hydroxymelatonin sulphate (6-OHMS), its primary enzymatic metabolite, in 12-hour urine (overnight) collection. The study will be conducted as a nested case-control study. We expect 533 breast cancer cases among cohort members during the 17 year-follow-up period. Four controls will be matched to each case on age, menopausal status, recruitment center and time of recruitment for a total number of 2,132 control subjects. This study would be the first one analyzing the potential effect of melatonin on breast cancer risk. It will provide important data on risk factors that are likely key to the development of this disease at great public health impact.
Databáze: OpenAIRE