Tagalog Masked Repetition Priming

Autor: Cayado, Dave, Wray, Samantha, Stockall, Linnaea
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/z8ve3
Popis: We will conduct a masked priming experiment using the online experiment platform Gorilla (Gorilla.ms). Masked priming was first introduced by Forster and Davis (1984), and involves a target word (e.g., TEACH) being preceded by either a related/identity prime (e.g., teach or school) or an unrelated word (e.g., carpet) presented for less than 40ms. The primes are forward masked by being preceded by strings of symbols (e.g., #####), and usually backwards masked by the target. It is now a well-established paradigm in psycholinguistics that has been used extensively to investigate morphological processing (see Rastle & Davis, 2008). The masked priming paradigm relies on very high accuracy for stimulus presentation latency. We are not aware of any attempt to use an entirely online experiment running platform to conduct a masked priming experiment. This project therefore seeks to determine whether online stimulus presentation timing accuracy is sufficiently reliable to replicate well established masked priming effects. Additionally, this masked priming experiment will be conducted in Tagalog (Austronesian, Philippines), rather than English or another commonly studied language, as part of a much-needed push to diversify psycholinguistics research, and normalise the use of a broader range of languages for methods-focused research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE