SPE for the Internet of Things and Other Real-Time Embedded Systems

Autor: Connie U. Smith, Catalina M. Lladó
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: ICPE Companion
DOI: 10.1145/3053600.3053652
Popis: When real-time embedded systems fail: patients die, warships shoot passenger jets, airplanes crash, cars stop on freeways or accelerate uncontrollably, and other documented problems. Preventing these problems saves lives, money, enables faster delivery, improves architectures, and improves performance. Performance engineering enables developers to predict performance, identify, and correct problems before products are built that contain serious potential failures.This paper examines current technical and performance issues in real-time embedded systems (RTES) including software and systems developed for the Internet of Things (IoT).We describe the model interoperability framework that uses Model Interchange Formats (MIFs) to exchange performance models among modeling tools. Performance models for RTES or IoT require the representation of additional features, and solution methods beyond efficient, exact model solutions. We introduce the extensions then describe the extended meta-model for the model interoperability framework. We conclude with an evaluation of the approach and how it can be used for performance evaluation of RTES and IoT.While our work specifically focused on RTES and IoT features, the results are applicable to the performance evaluation of many different types of systems.
Databáze: OpenAIRE