Observation of present-day tectonic motions in the Southeastern Carpathians: Results of the ISES/CRC-461 GPS measurements

Autor: C. Marcu, Liviu Matenco, Wim Spakman, L. Munteanu, Boudewijn Ambrosius, A. Nuckelt, M. Nutto, A.G.A. van der Hoeven, Victor Mocanu
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 239:177-184
ISSN: 0012-821X
Popis: Results are presented from GPS measurements performed in the Southeastern Carpathians between 1997 and 2004. Data from 25 stations observed during 13 campaigns were analyzed by the Department of Earth Observation and Space Systems (DEOS) of Delft University of Technology. The repeatabilities of the solutions are on the order of 1–4 mm for the horizontal, and 4–8 mm for the vertical component. The resulting velocity estimates have an uncertainty of b1 mm/yr and b3 mm/yr, respectively. The region southeast of the Carpathian bend zone shows a horizontal movement towards SSE of ~2.5 mm/yr, while the Transylvanian Basin shows very small motions with respect to Eurasia. The vertical velocity field indicates the existence of uplift and subsidence domains in the SE Carpathians, in good agreement with Pliocene–Quaternary orogen and basin studies. Another 29 GPS stations installed in the last 3 yr will generate a denser velocity field in the coming years for this region. D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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