Vergleich funktioneller Ergebnisse bei der Implantation von Natural-Knee Knieendoprothesen mit und ohne Patellarückflächenersatz

Autor: Géza Pap, H. W. Neumann, H. Merk, Wolfgang Nebelung, Ch. Liebau
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete. 136:65-69
ISSN: 1438-941X
Popis: PROBLEM Despite the great progress in knee arthroplasty made within the previous decade the problem of patellar resurfacing is still unsolved. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a retrospective matched-pairs study in 62 patients with Natural Knee endoprostheses including one group with and another without patella resurfacing were compared. Results were assessed according to the American Knee Society Score and the patients subjective assessments. RESULTS At an average follow-up time 2 years there were no differences in the clinical findings and the patients subjective opinions between both patient groups. However, patients with rheumatoid arthritis and patella resurfacing showed significantly better results in both categories than those rheumatoid patients without patella resurfacing. CONCLUSION Summing our results up we cannot give a general advise towards the use of patella resurfacing in knee replacements. In patients with severe arthrosis of the femoro-patellar joint and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, however, the patella replacement is considered to be the therapy of choice at our department.
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