A Campus of Our Own:Thoughts of a Reluctant Conservative

Autor: Susan Saltrick
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. 28:58-62
ISSN: 1939-9146
DOI: 10.1080/00091383.1996.9937752
Popis: attained my 39th birthday, I've been observing more frequently the signs of impending middle age. Besides the usual cosmetic distress, I realize I'm now being labeled as one of the conservatives of the new media scene. I find myself agreeing a lot with the Neil Postmans and the Sven Birkertses of the world who urge us all, when asked about technology, to just say no. If I don't watch myself, I'll soon be voting Republican.... All this is a somewhat disconcerting state to find myself in after spending 12 years as a new media director for a major book publisher where I was, by executive fiat, the brave scout out on the wild frontier, clearing the trail so the rest of the folks back East could settle down and homestead. j I used to be a real new media cheerleader. My talks ; of only a few years ago were upbeat panegyrics to the j scintillating adventures that awaited us all in the digij tal future, if we could only navigate the tricky water I that surrounded us today. Given that I was in higher I education publishing, I used to talk a lot about tech! nology ' s potential for transforming the educational I process for exploiting new modes of learning, for ; expanding to new types of students. I And, you know, I pretty much believed it. And, i you know, I pretty much still do. But what I find myi self thinking about these days is a question Steve I Gilbert poses when considering any technological i change: "What is it," he asks, "that we cherish and ! don't want to lose?" In other words, what are the j things we need to watch out for the things we risk I sacrificing if we are too readily seduced by technoloi gy's siren song? ! Two recent works have provoked some thoughts in \ this area. The first of these, The City of Bits, by William I Mitchell, the dean of architecture at MIT, is an explo; ration of how our notion of space and the structures Susan Saltrick' s independent consulting practice, Proteus Consulting, based in New York City, specializes in educational technology, business development, and market research. The author retains the copyright for this article.
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