Electrical Insulation Characteristics of LN2/CF4 Mixture at Cryogenic Temperatures

Autor: Liwei Jing, Yuhuai Wang, Jianhui Chen, Yanxing Zhao, Sang Wenju, Yuping Teng, Qingquan Qiu, Guomin Zhang, Chuansheng Zhang
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 31:1-6
ISSN: 2378-7074
Popis: High-temperature superconducting (HTS) power equipment and tests at present require operating temperatures higher than the liquid nitrogen (LN2). LN2 is an important cryogenic refrigerant and liquid insulation material, which is widely used in HTS equipment. Although pressurized LN2 can achieve temperatures higher than 77 K, it requires the use of sealed pressure vessels. Thus, a liquid cryogen that can offer temperatures higher than LN2 at atmospheric pressure, excellent electrical insulation performance, and high thermal conductivity has to be explored. Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) is another cryogenic refrigerant and electrical insulation material. The mixture of LN2 and liquid CF4 has excellent thermal properties. When mixed in appropriate proportions, it has a melting point of 50 K and a boiling point of 145 K. The LN2/CF4 mixture is used in the insulating layer of the superconducting energy pipeline to provide a low-temperature environment (85–100 K) for the HTS dc cable. However, the insulation characteristics of the LN2/CF4 mixture at cryogenic temperatures have not been studied, quantitatively. In this article, a test platform is developed to measure the breakdown voltage of the liquid mixture. The dc breakdown voltages of LN2/CF4 liquid mixture under varying mixing proportions are obtained at cryogenic temperature. The insulation failure probability is estimated using a two-parameter Weibull statistical method. The results reveal that the breakdown strength of the LN2/CF4 mixture is lower than that of pure LN2. As the proportion of CF4 increases, the breakdown field strength of liquid mixture first decreases and then increases. When the mole fraction of CF4 is 60%, the average breakdown strength decreases to the lowest value (14.07 kV/mm), about half of that of pure LN2 (28.26 kV/mm). The results of this article can provide a reference for the applications of LN2/CF4 liquid mixture in HTS power equipment and a scheme to expand the working temperature range of superconducting applications.
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