The lower and middle Turonian (upper cretaceous) stratigraphy of the Yenisei Western Siberia (left side) region by foraminifers and inoceramids

Autor: G. L. Rosbaeva, S. E. Agalakov, E. A. Potapova, O. S. Urman, I. N. Kosenko, V. A. Marinov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Стратиграфия. 27:40-58
ISSN: 0869-592X
Popis: The article presents the results of the litho-biostratigraphic study of the lower part of the Upper Cretaceous sea deposits on the territory of the Bolshaja Kheta structural terrace on the left side of the Yenisei river in its lower reaches (the tops of the Dolgan suite, Dorozhkovo suite and the bottoms of the Nason suite; Turonian stage). Eleven lithological members surely extended on the Bolshaja Kheta structural terrace are selected. Each member has received the paleontological characteristic. The layers with fauna (inoceramids and foraminifers) are identified and compared with the zonal subdivisions of the Turonian in Western Siberia. It is established that the upper part of the Dolgan suite belongs to the Lower Turonian substages, the Mytiloides labiatus zone. Dorozhkovo suite in the studied area close to its stratotype area corresponds to the Lower and Middle Turonian.
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