New Method to Calculate the Level of Consistency of the Pauli & Kraepelin Tests

Autor: Sigit Haryadi, Salma Huda California
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.31227/
Popis: In this paper, we proposed a modification of the measurement of the personality consistency level of the Pauli & Kraepelin Test in the field of psychology, using the formula made in April 2016, by Sigit Haryadi, and named "the Harmony in Gradation" or “the Haryadi Index”. The purpose of this proposal is because the existing formula uses only the mean value of the deviation, which leads to the possibility that the result of consistency measurement on people whose facts are different levels of consistency will be considered to have the same consistency level, on the other hand, the proposed method will be more accurate and precise in terms of providing an assessment of the level of personality consistency of a person.
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