Development of an unplugged game as a learning object for teaching the history of athletics in the olympic games

Autor: Denise Dandara Severo, Carlos Eduardo Santos Souza, Luiz Paulo Bittencourt, Welliton Da Silva Belém, Kaio Alexandre da Silva
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Anais do XIV Computer on the Beach - COTB'23.
Popis: The present work aimed to insert strategic tools with the use ofboard games in order to assist and facilitate learning about thehistory of Olympic games, highlighting the importance of workingthe Olympic context in the disciplines of Physical Educationand History. Even with the advance of technology, teachers stillfind it difficult to teach their students in the classroom, becausedistractions and lack of interest are commonplace in the schoolenvironment. Thus, a systematic review of the literature was conductedfrom journals and academic articles, aiming at a deeperstudy on the theme addressed. With this, OlympiaQuiz was created,a board game focused on teaching the Olympic Games, exploringthe social and historical context of the time, to encourage learningthrough games.
Databáze: OpenAIRE