The Differences In The Ideas About The Future Among Postgraduates And Students (Based On Survey Materials In Voronezh Universities)

Autor: N.A. Vinokurova, I.S. Gudovich, L. Suchocka
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.33276/978-5-8211-0799-2-97-106
Popis: The ideas about the future among graduate students and students of Voronezh universities are investigated in this paper. It is shown that the views of these two groups of respondents regarding science are different: the desire to work in the sphere of science is not the same, and the ideas about which scientific areas should be priority in Russia do not coincide. It is also revealed the attitude of respondents to the development of high technologies and their choice of priority technologies and projects for Russia. Young people have demonstrated a lack of understanding of the role of technology and its relationship to quality of life. First of all, this is typical for graduate students. It is showed that neither undergraduate nor postgraduate students believe that the future of Russia depends on scientists; moreover, graduate students have a much stronger skepticism about the role of scientists than students. In general, students are more romantic, while graduate students are more pragmatic and “more down to earth”.
Databáze: OpenAIRE