NETWORKS WITH MULTI-POSITION CONTACTS††We mean by this, one of the fields studied so far : . For the general case one should refer to the book on abstract algebra by A. Albert, BL van der Waerden, Gahrett Berkhoff and S. Mac Lane

Autor: Gr.C. Moisil
Rok vydání: 1969
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-08-010148-4.50022-0
Popis: This chapter discusses networks with multi-position contacts. It presents functions whose domain is finite and whose range is a field. The chapter presents a finite set M with m elements that are denoted by 0, 1,…, m −1. The product of two integers can be congruent with 0 modulo 6 without either of the two factors being congruent with 0 modulo 6. In general, a congruence modulo 6 cannot be simplified by a factor, even if it is not congruent with 0 modulo 6. If the modulus m is not prime, the algebra with congruences modulo m presents essential difficulties. Such difficulties do not arise if the modulus is prime.
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