Intangible Cultural Heritage and Comparative Law. Towards a Global Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Autor: Pier Luigi Petrillo
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ISBN: 9783319729824
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-72983-1_11
Popis: After a preliminary introduction about the aims and the method of a comparative law on the subject of ICH, the final chapter intends to offer a final, structured analysis, with a comparative approach, on the basis of the contributions provided by the previous chapters to elaborate some conclusions for a general overview of the legislative and policy measures adopted both at the central and local level to ensure the due implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention. Particularly, the word focuses on the protection tools already set for the protection of the ICH, before the UNESCO Convention, letting three different models emerge, to consequently concentrate the investigations toward the effects and perspectives on national legislations after the approval of the UNESCO 2003 multilateral agreement. This framework naturally leads to questioning the existence, on an international scale, of a global legal protection for the ICH, also as per the new fields of action and challenges for the national regulators in the overall UN agenda and as related to the arising notion of biocultural diversity, and to the emerging adaptation of laws and systems of the States Parties in raising the level of legal protection of cultural and identity rights.
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