Selection of Steam Drum Level Control Method for Multiple Drum Interacting Loops Pressure Tube-Type BWR

Autor: Rajesh Kumar, A. J. Gaikwad, Sharad Bhartiya, P.K. Vijayan, H. G. Lele, K K Vaze
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 58:479-489
ISSN: 1558-1578
Popis: Three element Steam Drum (SD) Level Controller has been conventionally used for most of the boilers, Nuclear power plant steam generator & Boiling Water Reactor (BWRs). Based on the process dynamic studies it was found that this scheme does not work properly for an interacting, interconnected multiple loop boiling water system i.e., Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). It is a pressure tube type light water cooled heavy water moderated Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). It has 4-inter-connected parallel loops with 113 × 4 = 452 boiling channels in the Main Heat Transport (MHT) system. These multiple (four) interconnected loops influences the Steam Drum (SD) level control adversely. Such a behavior has not been reported in the open literature. The open loop response is stable, non-oscillatory and non-diverging for a step change in the feed flow rates. Also it is not possible to maintain a steady level in all the SDs even without any external disturbance/perturbation with 4 conventional 3-element individual SD level controllers. To overcome these interactions it is proposed to interconnect all the four steam drums in the liquid & vapor regions respectively. This makes the 4 SDs behave like a single entity. The influence of the interconnect configuration & the level controller are studied in detail to find a robust solution. The response obtained for unsymmetrical core power, symmetrical power maneuvering and reactor trip transients shows that the SD levels do not diverge and quickly settle very near to the set points assigned with SD interconnect schemes.
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