Exploration of Multidimensional Radio Frequency Imaging to Derive Remote Intelligence of Building Interiors

Autor: Alan Blake, Matthew Nottingham, Claire Stevenson, Anthony Lawson Qinetiq, David Blacknell, Darren Muff, Andrew M. Horne
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 International Conference on Radar (RADAR).
DOI: 10.1109/radar.2018.8557263
Popis: The Remote Intelligence of Building Interiors poses a number of serious challenges to a radio frequency imaging system. The complex nature of the building environment alongside the requirement to attain a sufficient amount of energy on the target necessitates massive measurement diversity to provide useful intelligence. QinetiQ is currently undertaking a research and demonstration project under UK MoD's Chief Scientific Advisor funding that aims to develop and exploit active and passive RF imaging of building interiors as a widely applicable intelligence tool. The objectives of the project are to derive an understanding of RF interactions with the building environment and objects and activities of intelligence interest; develop active and passive imaging techniques exploiting that understanding; evaluate potential intelligence concepts and capabilities; and mature system technology and processing techniques, facilitating rapid development and transition into service. These objectives are being addressed through the development of an experimental sensing and processing system comprising a miniature, coherent, active/passive sensor based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies; the use of 20kg class unmanned multi-rotor aircraft as a low-cost sensor platform; the deployment of multiple sensor platforms in a distributed, coherent aperture; and the use of advanced synthetic aperture processing techniques to derive high resolution, multidimensional image products. This paper will provide a general review of these activities and the principles behind them.
Databáze: OpenAIRE