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espanolLas dos teorias fisicas mas sofisticadas de las que se dispone para describir el universo, la mecanica cuantica y la relativista, son incompatibles. La superposicion directa de sus predicciones en regiones en las que los efectos de ambas son de magnitud comparable conduce a contradicciones dificiles de soslayar. Sin embargo, en los ultimos tiempos ha emergido con fuerza una teoria con visos de poder llegar a armonizar ambas visiones, hasta ahora casi antagonicas. Lo mas fascinante de todo son las drasticas implicaciones de la nueva teoria, segun la cual el universo que habitamos podria ser un intrincado holograma, y nuestra percepcion de la realidad, simplemente, una compleja ilusion. EnglishThe two most sophisticated physical theories available today to describe the universe are quantum mechanics and relativity, but they are incompatible. The direct superimposition of their predictions in regions where the effects of both are of comparable magnitude leads to contradictions that are difficult to ignore. However, in recent times, a theory has emerged strongly with visions of being able to harmonize both approaches, something hitherto almost antagonistic. Most fascinating of all are the drastic implications of the new theory, according to which the universe we inhabit could be an intricate hologram, and our perception of reality simply a complex illusion. |