Sunspot cycle-dependent changes in the distribution of GSE latitudinal angles of IMF observed near 1 AU

Autor: T. E. Girish, B. Felix Pereira
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Geophysical Research Letters. 31
ISSN: 0094-8276
Popis: [1] The solar cycle variations in the characteristics of the GSE latitudinal angles of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (θGSE) observed near 1 AU have been studied for the period 1967–2000. It is observed that the statistical parameters mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis vary with sunspot cycle. The θGSE distribution resembles the Gaussian curve during sunspot maximum and is clearly non-Gaussian during sunspot minimum. The width of the θGSE distribution is found to increase with sunspot activity, which is likely to depend on the occurrence of solar transients. Solar cycle variations in skewness are ordered by the solar polar magnetic field changes. This can be explained in terms of the dependence of the dominant polarity of the north-south component of IMF in the GSE system near 1 AU on the IMF sector polarity and the structure of the heliospheric current sheet.
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