Autor: G. Scanelli, P. De Sandre, Elena Fracassi, Ariela Hoxha, Antonio Carletto, F. Pistillo, A. La Rosa
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 80:1099.1-1099
ISSN: 1468-2060
Popis: Background:Many patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and spondyloarthritis (SpA) are in their childbearing years. Concerns exist regarding the interplay between the rheumatic diseases and the pregnancy (1).Objectives:Actually, there are contradictory data regarding the pregnancy outcome in patients with RA and SpA (2). Thus, we performed this longitudinal retrospective study to evaluate the effect of RA and SpA on pregnancy outcome.Methods:The data of 78 pregnancies of 60 women followed from April 2017 to December 2020 at pregnancy clinic of Internal Medicine Unit, San Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza and Rheumatology Unit, University of Verona were reviewed. Fifty (64.1%) women were affected by RA and 28 (35.9%) by SpA. Information regarding demographic data, disease activity, drug exposure and maternal/foetal outcomes were collected in an electronic database. Details concerning pregnancy complications and congenital malformation were also collected. We compared pregnancy and foetal/neonatal outcome, medication use and disease activity between women affected by RA and SpA. Moreover, we evaluated the effect of disease activity on pregnancy outcome.Results:Overall, there were 70 (86.4%) live births, 10 (12.3%) miscarriages and 1 (1.2%) foetal death. There were three twin pregnancies. Even there was a higher rate of glucocorticoids and bDMARDs use in RA than in SpA group, respectively 40% vs 21% and 70% vs 57,1%, there were no statistical differences regarding drug exposure at conception. Moreover, there were no differences concerning disease activity at conception. Still, a higher rate of glucocorticoids and bDMARDs, respectively 26% vs 10.7% and 46% vs 39.3% were used in RA than in SpA patients during pregnancy. Furthermore, we did not find any statistical differences regarding maternal and foetal/neonatal outcome between pregnancies in the RA and those in the SpA groups. There were four (4.9%), congenital malformation, two (3.8%) in RA group and two (6.9%) in SpA group. About one-third of patients 24 (30.7%) presented a moderate disease activity at conception as evaluated by DAS28PCR and BASDAI. However, there were no significant differences, on maternal and foetal/neonatal outcome in patients with moderate activity disease with respect of those in clinical remission.Conclusion:Even a higher rate of glucocorticoids and bDMARDs were used in RA than in SpA patients, there was no differences on pregnancy outcome between them.References:[1]Ostensen M. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2017;13:485-493. doi: 10.1038/nrrheum.2017.102.[2]Polachek et al. J Rheumatol 2020;47:161-163. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.190631.Disclosure of Interests:None declared
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