Influence of bioelectret collagen on cell growth in vitro

Autor: S. Sun, Xinlin Yang, J.W. Gu, H.S. Zhu, B.S. Li
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Vol.20 Biomedical Engineering Towards the Year 2000 and Beyond (Cat. No.98CH36286).
Popis: The influence of bioelectret collagen on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell growth in vitro is studied. Bioelectret collagen is prepared by a corona charging technique using a specifically designed setup. Cells in different phases of cell cycle are synchronized with the method of serum-starvation. Cell proliferation is determined by MIT assay. It is shown that bioelectret collagen can remarkably stimulate cell adhesion and proliferation. However, only cells in S phase are sensitive to the bioelectret stimulus among phases of G/sub 0//G/sub 1/, S and G/sub 2//M of the cell cycle. These results indicate that the bioelectret may influence cell growth via the modulation of both the cell adhesion and the cell cycle.
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