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espanolEl magacin ilustrado Eu Sei Tudofue publicado en Brasil entre 1917 y 1958. Sin embargo, suorigen es francesa y parte significativa de su contenido pertenecia tambien a aquella version. En este artigo, tomando como fuentes historicas figuras y textos presentes en la revista brasilena y adoptando como referencial teorico los conceptos de representacion e imaginario social, investigamos la produccion y la circulacion entre mundos de imagenes relativas aAfrica y a los africanos, inquiriendo sobre sus significados. Nuestra hipotesis es la de que Eu Sei Tudopromovio la difusion de estereotipos y prejuicios raciales a partir de una matriz europea relacionada alcontexto del imperialismo, reproducida en varias de sus paginas, a pesar de los escenarios sociales radicalmente diferentes. Tales imagenes y textos, expuestos a partir de un discurso sobre la alteridad, repetian en Brasil los supuestos antagonismos entremodernidad y retraso, primitivismo y progreso, civilizacion y barbarie EnglishThe illustrated magazine Eu Sei Tudowas published in Brazil between 1917 and 1958. Its origin, however, is French and a significant part of its content also belonged to that version. In this article, taking as historical sources figures and texts present in the Brazilian journal and adopting as theoretical reference the concepts of social representation and imaginary,we investigate the production and circulation of images related to Africa and the Africans between worlds, inquiring about their meanings. Our hypothesis is that Eu Sei Tudopromoted the diffusion of racial stereotypes and prejudices from a European matrix linked to the context of imperialism, reproduced in several of its pages, despite radically different social scenarios. These images and texts, exposed from a discourse on alterity, repeated in Brazil the supposed antagonisms between modernity and backwardness, primitivism and progress, civilization and barbarism |