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From the onset, dementia affects the patient's nutritional status, producing anorexia, weight loss, feeding apraxia and dysphagia. Distinct strategies are required in each of the stages of this disease, starting with awareness and knowledge of the problem and its prompt detection. In dementia, dysphagia usually appears in advanced phases, when the patient is often institutionalized. When dysphagia is suspected, the patient's tolerance must be evaluated by the volume/viscosity test, environmental and postural strategies should be introduced, and the texture of the diet should be modified. This is a complex task requiring the involvement of a properly trained interdisciplinary team, able to provide information and alternatives and integrate the family environment in the patient's care. The adapted diet should be based on the traditional diet that can also be combined with artificial supplements to provide a varied diet that increases patients’, caregivers’ and relatives’ satisfaction. Tube feeding has shown no nutritional benefits in patients with advanced dementia. Therefore, we propose assisted oral feeding as the most natural and appropriate form of feeding in these patients, always respecting their previously expressed wishes. |