Late Cretaceous upper-crustal thermal structure of the Sevier hinterland: Implications for the geodynamics of the Nevadaplano

Autor: Russell V. Di Fiori, Emmanuel Soignard, David W. Rodgers, C.M. Cooper, Austin J. Stout, Sean P. Long, Nolan R. Blackford, Kimberly Megan Kramer
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Geosphere. 18:183-210
ISSN: 1553-040X
Popis: Crustal temperature conditions can strongly influence the evolution of deformation during orogenesis. The Sevier hinterland plateau in Nevada and western Utah (“Nevadaplano”) experienced a Late Cretaceous episode of shallow-crustal metamorphism and granitic magmatism. Here, we investigate the thermal history of the Nevadaplano by measuring peak thermal field gradients attained in the upper 10–20 km of the crust along an east-west transect through nine ranges in eastern Nevada and western Utah, by integrating Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material thermometry and published conodont alteration indices with reconstructed cross sections. Thermal field gradients of 29 ± 3 °C/km were obtained in the House and Confusion Ranges in westernmost Utah. The Deep Creek, Schell Creek, and Egan Ranges in easternmost Nevada yielded elevated gradients of 49 ± 7 °C/km, 36 ± 3 °C/km, and 32 ± 6 °C/km, respectively. Moving westward, the White Pine, Butte, Pancake, and Fish Creek Ranges exhibit gradients typically between ~20–30 °C/km. The elevated thermal gradients in easternmost Nevada are interpreted to have been attained during ca. 70–90 Ma granitic magmatism and metamorphism and imply possible partial melting at ~18 km depths. Our data are compatible with published interpretations of Late Cretaceous lithospheric mantle delamination under the Sevier hinterland, which triggered lower-crustal anatexis and the resulting rise of granitic melts. The lack of evidence for structures that could have accommodated deep burial of rocks in the nearby Northern Snake Range metamorphic core complex, combined with thermal gradients from adjacent ranges that are ~1.5–3 times higher than those implied by thermobarometry in the Northern Snake Range, further highlights the debate over possible tectonic overpressure in Cordilleran core complexes. Cross-section retro-deformation defines 73.4 ± 4.6 km (76 ± 8%) of extension across eastern Nevada and 15 km of shortening in the Eastern Nevada fold belt.
Databáze: OpenAIRE