Realizing a Conceptual Framework to Integrate Model-Driven Engineering, Software Product Line Engineering, and Software Configuration Management

Autor: Sabrina Uhrig, Thomas Buchmann, Bernhard Westfechtel, Felix Schwägerl
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Communications in Computer and Information Science ISBN: 9783319278681
MODELSWARD (Revised Selected Papers)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27869-8_2
Popis: Software engineering is a highly integrative computer science discipline, combining a plethora of different techniques to increase the quality of software development as well as the resulting software. The three sub-disciplines Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE), Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) and Software Configuration Management (SCM) are well-explored, but literature still lacks an integrated solution. In this paper, we present the realization of a conceptual framework that integrates those three sub-disciplines uniformly based on a filtered editing model. The framework combines the check-out/modify/commit workflow known from SCM with the formalism of feature models and feature configurations known from SPLE. The implementation is model-driven and extensible with respect to different product and version space models. Important design decisions are formalized by means of Ecore metamodels. Furthermore, we propose several optimizations that increase the scalability of the conceptual framework.
Databáze: OpenAIRE