Grania reducta Coates & Erseus 1985

Autor: Prantoni, Alessandro, Lana, Paulo C., Erséus, Christer
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3852759
Popis: 21. Grania reducta Coates & Erséus, 1985 Grania reducta Coates & Erséus, 1985: 110–111, fig. 5. Grania reducta – Diaz et al. 1987: tabs 3–4. — Locke & Coates 2000: 626, 628. Type material Holotype UNITED STATES: off Maryland (USNM 96512). Paratype UNITED STATES: off Maryland (USNM 96513). Type locality UNITED STATES: off Maryland. Habitat Intertidal, subtidal to 65 m, medium to coarse sand. Distribution Continental shelf off New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, USA.
Published as part of Prantoni, Alessandro, Lana, Paulo C. & Erséus, Christer, 2017, Global checklist of species of Grania (Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) with remarks on their geographic distribution, pp. 1-44 in European Journal of Taxonomy 391 on page 14, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.391,
{"references":["Coates K. A. & Erseus C. 1985. Marine enchytraeids (Oligochaeta) of the coastal Northwest Atlantic (northern and mid U. S. A.). Zoologica Scripta 14: 103 - 116. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.1985. tb 00181. x","Diaz R. J., Erseus C. & Boesch D. F. 1987. Distribution and ecology of Middle Atlantic Bight Oligochaeta. Hydrobiologia 155: 215 - 225. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 00025654","Locke J. M. & Coates K. A. 2000. An illustrated key to the species of Grania and Randidrilus (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) of eastern North America, Bermuda, and the Caribbean area. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113: 617 - 632."]}
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