High Resolution Spectroscopy ofBΛ12by Electroproduction

Autor: G. M. Urciuoli, D. J. Margaziotis, P.Y. Bertin, S. Colilli, Y. Okasyasu, L. Lagamba, P. Monaghan, G. de Cataldo, Pavlo Baturin, B. Craver, E. Piasetzky, C. Zorn, M. Gricia, H. Breuer, D. J. Millener, J. Gomez, K. Kino, P. Bydžovský, Z. E. Meziani, E. Cisbani, H. Ueno, T. Miyoshi, R. Michaels, Brian Raue, L. Coman, P. E. Reimer, P. E. Ulmer, V. Nelyubin, B. Reitz, P. Brindza, H. Benaoum, H. F. Ibrahim, M. Iodice, C. Munoz Camacho, E. Folts, Olivier Gayou, R. A. Lindgren, J. J. LeRose, Kent Paschke, R. Snyder, S. Marrone, R. J. Feuerbach, B. E. Norum, P. Veneroni, R. Roche, A. Shahinyan, V. A. Punjabi, A. Acha, C. W. de Jager, E. Chudakov, Bogdan Wojtsekhowski, K. A. Aniol, Bryan J. Moffit, W. U. Boeglin, V. Sulkosky, P. Ambrozewicz, J. O. Hansen, V. M. Rodriguez, F. Giulani, A. Saha, Tohru Suzuki, X. Jiang, C. Ferdi, K. I. Blomqvist, Maryam Moteabbed, T. Holmstrom, Franco Garibaldi, Y. X. Ye, C. C. Chang, R. Subedi, R. Fratoni, Simon Širca, C. F. Perdrisat, Pete Markowitz, R. De Leo, Salvatore Frullani, A. J. Sarty, L. J. Kaufman, F. Cusanno, Jaideep Singh, A. Deur, F. Santavenere, Seonho Choi, J. Segal, K. McCormick, A. Camsonne, Douglas Higinbotham, E. Voutier, S. Zhou, P. Solvignon, M. Sotona, X. Zheng, Charles Hyde, S. K. Nanda, Yujie Qiang, Eugenio Nappi, D. Hayes, B. Kross, J. Reinhold, M. Lucentini, J. P. Chen
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters. 99
ISSN: 1079-7114
Popis: An experiment measuring electroproduction of hypernuclei has been performed in Hall A at Jefferson Lab on a $^{12}$C target. In order to increase counting rates and provide unambiguous kaon identification two superconducting septum magnets and a Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector (RICH) were added to the Hall A standard equipment. An unprecedented energy resolution of less than 700 keV FWHM has been achieved. Thus, the observed \lam{12}{B} spectrum shows for the first time identifiable strength in the core-excited region between the ground-state {\it s}-wave $\Lambda$ peak and the 11 MeV {\it p}-wave $\Lambda$ peak.
Databáze: OpenAIRE