Prosciara tetracantha Shi & Huang, sp. nov

Autor: Shi, Kai, Huang, Junhao, Komarova, Lyudmila, Zhang, Sujiong, Wu, Hong
Rok vydání: 2013
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6147305
Popis: Prosciara tetracantha Shi & Huang, sp. nov. (Figs. 20, 24) Specimens examined. Holotype, male. Sichuan province, Labahe, sweep-net, 1200 m, 16.VII. 2006, Xiao-Ling Niu [SM01154]. Description (Male).Color. Head dark brown; antenna, palpus, hypopygium brown; thorax and abdomen yellowish-brown, the mesonotum dark brown; and legs yellow; wing fumose. Head (Fig. 20 C, D). Eye bridge with 3 rows of facets. Prefrons with 18 setae. Clypeus with 9 setae. Basal segment of palpus with 6 setae; 2 nd segment with 14 setae; 3 rd segment with 14 setae. Length/width of 4 th flagellomere: 1.94. Thorax. Anterior pronotum with 7 setae, episternum 1 with 11 setae. Wings. Wing length 3.62 mm, width/length: 0.34. c/w: 0.47. R 1 /R: 1.16. r-m with 6 setae, stM bare, M 1 and M 2 bare, Cu 1 and Cu 2 bare. Legs. Foretibia with a comb of 9 setae (Fig. 20 E). Length of spur/width of foretibia 1.56. Length of femur/length of metatarsus: foreleg 1.05. Length of metatarsus/ length of tibia: foreleg 0.75, hind leg 0.51. Length of hind tibia/length of thorax 1.56. Foretibia with 0 dorsal, 4 ventral, 2 prolateral and 4 retrolateral spinose setae. Midtibia without dorsal spinose setae. Hypopygium (Fig. 20 A, B). Sternite 10 with 2 setae on each half. Distribution. China (Sichuan, Fig. 24). Remarks. By the form of the hypopygium, the new species is closely related with P. s i n e n s i s (Fig. 19). For their differential diagnosis, see under P. s i ne n s is. Etymology. This species is named after its four megasetae on the dorsal lobe on the gonostylus, from the Latin adjective tetracanthus, meaning four megasetae.
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