Determination of IgG by Elisa Method Using PPD as the Antigen in Sera of Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Autor: Ali ALBAY, Özgül KISA, Mehmet BAYSALLAR, A.Celal BAŞUSTAOĞLU, Hüseyin GÜN
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: European Journal of Therapeutics. 5:71-76
ISSN: 2564-7040
Popis: IgG antibody levels of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and PPD(-) or PPD( +) controls were investigated by ELISA method using Purified Protein Derivate(PPD) as the antigen. When compared with the control groups, the levels of IgG were found significantly higher in the sera of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. We suggest that ELISA utilizing PPD as an antigen can be a helpful method in the differentiation of patients with active tuberculosis from healthy individuals and in the follow-up of the effects of antituberculosis treatment.
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