Neocaeculus orientalis Fuangarworn & Butcher, 2015, sp. nov

Autor: Fuangarworn, Marut, Butcher, Buntika Areekul
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5629229
Popis: Neocaeculus orientalis sp. nov. (Figs. 1–11) Diagnosis. Adult female unique among known Neocaeculus in having the following combination of characters: body length 978 – 1164; seta vi absent; trichobothrium sci clavate; anterior margin of prodorsal plate strongly downturned but without projection; lateral eye plates separated from prodorsal plate; dorsal plate P divided; pleural plates absent; seta ve anterior to sce and situated far apart from its pair; seta c 1 situated far apart from its pair; unpaired dorsomedian setae present; coxal setation of 5 - 1-2 - 1 (4 a excluded); aggenital plates small with one pair of aggenital setae; one pair adanal setae; palp setation (tibial claw excluded) 0-4 - 4-5 (ω); leg femur I divided but femora II – IV entire; and trichobothrium present on tarsi III – IV. Description. Female. Body length (including gnathosoma; n = 5) 1038 (978 – 1164); body width (greatest width) 683 (638 – 752). Gnathosoma black in color; sclerotized plates on idiosoma usually black, membranous integument pale cream in color; legs also black except articulations and tarsi being pale cream in color; body and appendages with thick cerotegument. Gnathosoma. Anterior thirds of gnathosoma visible from above (Figs. 1 – 3). Chelicera typical for family, about 55 wide at base, 210 long (including proximal part of chelicera inserted into body); oriented obliquely about 45 ° to level of its insertion (Fig. 3 A); movable digit hook-like, with minute teeth; cheliceral seta, cha, slender, 10 – 12 long. Palp (Fig. 3 B) 4 -segmented, trochanter short, without setae; femorogenu with 4 clavate setae; tibia with prominent terminal claw set on projecting tubercle, 2 clavate setae and 2 spiniform setae; tarsus subcylindrical, swollen near middle, with recessed solenidion ω, 2 spiniform setae and 3 eupathidia; supracoxal seta ep peg-like. Subcapitulum posteriorly round, anteriorly subconical, 194 (185 – 200) wide at level of palp insertion, 192 (175 – 200) long; with two pairs of slender subcapitular setae: m, 46 (40 – 50) long, n, 40 (35 – 50) long, m situated anterior to n; two pairs of short slender adoral setae, or 1 – 2 , about 14 long. Lateral lips and labrum typical for family (Coineau 1974 a). Peritreme linear, segmented, situated on cheliceral shaft (Fig. 3 A, per). Idiosoma. In dorsal view (Fig. 1), broad ovate, 926 (876 – 1030) long (including naso). Striated integument moderately sclerotized, pattern of striations as illustrated. Nasal plate, subrectangular, 102 (100 – 110) long, 148 wide, well sclerotized. Prodorsal plate subtrapezoidal, 277 (215 – 350) long, posterior margin 293 (275 – 300) wide, anterior margin 153 (140 – 175) wide; lateral margin of plate concave; surface with shallow depressions and low ridges; in lateral view (Fig. 3 A), anterior fourths (ca. from level of sce to ve) of plate downturned to dorsal profile of nasal plate and chelicerae; anterior margin of plate not projected but slightly overhanging posterior margin of nasal plate. All normal prodorsal setae clavate, slightly flattened and barbed; seta vi absent, trichobothrium sci clavate, 107 (90 – 120) long, bothridial opening elevated and situated at posterior corner of nasal plate; seta ve, 59 (50 – 65) long, on anterior corner of prodorsal plate; seta sce, 34 (30 – 35) long, located 74 (60 – 100) posteriad ve; distance from sci–sci 122 (105 – 130), ve–ve 108 (100 – 125), sce–sce 137 (100 – 180); a pair of neotrichous setae (Fig. 1, asterisked) present, 41 (35 – 45) long, near posterior margin of plate. Lateral eye plates separated from prodorsal plate; anterior pair of lateral eyes 40 (35 – 45) diameter, posterior pair 33 (30 – 35) diameter; unpaired median eye, under naso, 26 (25 – 30) diameter. Opisthosoma with seven dorsal plates: unpaired dorsal plate (D), subrectangular, 285 (260 – 315) long, 273 (250 – 290) wide, with incision on lateral margin; paired lateral plates (L), obliquely flanking plate D, elongate and subrectangular, 350 (300 – 400) long, 108 (75 – 150) wide; paired median plates (M) subrectangular, 63 (50 – 75) long, 175 (150 – 210) wide; and smaller paired posterior plates (P), 47 (35 – 50) long, 134 (115 – 150) wide. All dorsal opisthosomal setae clavate, slightly flattened and barbed; setae c 1, d 1, e 1 on plate D; setae c 2, d 2, e 2 on plate L; setae f 1 and f 2 on plate M; setae h 1 and one lateral seta on plate P; seta h 2 located on striated cuticle below plate P; three unpaired median setae present (Fig. 1, asterisked) between f 1 – f 1 , h 1 – h 1 , and h 2 – h 2 , respectively; measurements: c 1 50 (45 – 55), c 2 56 (40 – 75), d 1 54 (45 – 60), d 2 51 (35 – 75), e 1 70 (55 – 85), e 2 57 (40 – 75), f 1 59 (50 – 70), f 2 60 (40 – 80), h 1 53 (45 – 70), h 2 48 (40 – 60), ps 1 36 (25 – 40), ps 2 40 (35 – 45), ps 3 40 (35 – 45). Lyrifissures normal (Fig. 1): ia and im on plate L, ip lateral to plate M, ih on ventral side. In ventral view (Fig. 2), membranous integument striate with pattern as illustrated; coxal plates I–IV normally radial arranged; distal end of coxa I well projected dorsally such that insertion of leg I situated above that of leg II (Fig. 3 A). Coxal setation (I–IV): 5 - 1-2 - 1 (4 a excluded); coxal setae clavate of various length, most setae relatively short but 1 c, 1 d, 1 e much elongate and situated on tubercle which increasing in size from 1 c to 1 e; broad tubercle (tb) present between base of seta 1 e and insertion of leg I; 4 a situated on membranous integument; supracoxal seta eI peg-like; measurements of coxal setae: 1a 26 (20 – 35), 1 b 50 (45 – 60), 1 c 117 (100 – 140), 1 d 148 (130 – 165), 1 e 154 (125 – 175), 2a 37 (35 – 40), 3a 45 (35 – 65), 3 b 36 (35 – 40), 4a 34 (30 – 40), 4 b 29 (20 – 35). Genital opening (Figs. 2, 4 A) 155 (125 – 175) long, genital plate 42 (25 – 50) wide, usually with 6 pairs of genital setae (g 1–6; 5–7 setae may be asymmetrically present), short, slender, about 15 – 20 long, and arranged in longitudinal row. Aggenital plate small, 95 (75 – 100) long, 25 wide, anterolateral to genital plate, with 1 pair of clavate setae (ag). Anal opening 144 (125 – 160) long; adanal plate 46 (40 – 50) wide, 1 pair of adanal setae (ad) present, clavate, 22 (15 – 30) long. Pseudoanal plate 145 (125 – 175) long, 31 (25 – 40) wide, with 3 pairs of clavate setae (ps 1–3); with 11 pairs of setae on membranous integument (4 a excluded). Three pairs of genital papillae (Va, Vm, Vp) present, diameter about 15; Vm closer to Vp than Va; associated setae k absent. Ovipositor (Fig. 4 A) roughly plicated; relatively short when protruded, about 95 long; distally with 3 pairs of minute eugenital setae: 2 anterior pairs, and 1 posterior pair on short lobe. Legs. Measurements (from trochanter to tarsus, pretarsus excluded): leg I 1205 (1030 – 1339), leg II 803 (773 – 855), leg III 754 (670 – 906), leg IV 848 (773 – 948); femur I divided, but femora II–IV entire (Figs. 5 – 6); trichobothrium present on tarsi III–IV; claws on leg I–IV typical for genus; Chaetotaxy of legs I–IV (famuli k and ε included, solenidia in parenthesis): trochanters 6-8 - 3-4; [basi+telo]femora [8 + 7]- 15 - 10 - 10; genua 19 - 17 - 10 - 9; tibiae 22 (1)- 21 (1)- 15 (1)- 16 (1); tarsi 28 (1)- 27 / 25 (1)- 17 - 17; on tarsus II, v 1 ", v 2 ' absent in one specimen. Solenidion ω on tarsi I–II, φ on tibia I–IV, seta k on tibia I and seta ε on tarsi I–II recessed; trichobothrium bt on tarsi III–IV slightly dilate and barbed; following setae on leg I hypertrophied, spine-like: trochanter, l', l 1 '; femur, v', v 1 ', v 1 "; genu, v', v 1 ', v"; and tibia, v', v", v 1 ', v 1 ". Homology of leg setae and solenidia depicted in Figs. 5 – 6. Male. Body length (including gnathosoma, n = 2) 916 (783 – 1050); body width 670 (577 – 762); generally similar to female, except aggenital setae more slender (Fig. 9 D) and genitalia present (Fig. 4 B). Genitalia outline with 2 pairs of lateral wing-like extensions; 2 pairs of densely denticulated lobes in middle region; 8 pairs of eugenital setae: setae 1, 2 and 4 large, spine-like and slightly curved, seta 8 spine-like but smaller, setae 3, 5, 6 and 7 minute, distributed as illustrated. Ontogeny. Larva (n = 5): body length 350 (325 – 390), width 270 (260 – 290); protonymph (n = 2): 450, 338 (335 – 340); deutonymph (n = 3): 573 (515 – 608), 415 (381 – 433); tritonymph (n = 2) 773, 540 (515 – 567). Gnathosoma. similar to female, except lateral lips with 1 pair of adoral setae (or 1) in larva, 2 pairs in protonymph (or 2 added); palp femorogenu with 2 setae (dF, dG) in larva (Fig. 7 F) and protonymph, 3 in deutonymph (d 1 added) and tritonymph, and 4 in adult (d 2 added); palp tibia with 3 setae in larva and protonymph (1 ", 1 ', v'; tibial claw, d, excluded), 4 in deutonymph (d 1 added) and later instars; palp tarsus similar to adult, except 1 " becoming eupathidial in adult (Fig. 3 B) Idiosoma. Nasal plate subtriangular in larva (Fig. 7 A) but anterior margin broader in succeeding instars. Prodorsal plate with 2 pairs of setae (ve and sce) in larva, seta ve short spiniform; 3 pairs in protonymph (a pair of clavate setae added near posterior margin of plate; Fig. 8 A, asterisked), ve becoming clavate. Opisthosoma with 3 dorsal plates (unpaired plate D and a pair of plate L) in larva; plate M form in deutonymph (Fig. 9 A), plate P form in tritonymph. Larva with 7 pairs of opisthosomal setae (c 1, c 2, d 1, e 1, f 1, h 1, h 2; h 2 on ventral side), pseudoanal seta ps or its vestige absent from pseudoanal valves; protonymph with 12 pairs and 1 unpaired median seta (d 2, e 2, unpaired median seta between setae h 2, and ps 1 – 3 added); adanal seta ad or its vestige absent from adanal plate; deutonymph with 14 pairs and 2 unpaired setae (f 2, unpaired median seta between setae f 1, and 1 pair of setae lateral to h 1 added), a pair of vestige of ad present on adanal plate; tritonymph similar to deutonymph in numbers of dorsal opisthosomal setae, but ad becoming thickened spiniform or clavate; adult with 14 pairs and 3 unpaired setae (unpaired median seta between setae h 1 added). Seta c 2 relatively longer than other setae in larva but gradually shortened in succeeding instars until subequal to other setae in adult. Coxal setation 2 - 0-1 in larva (Fig. 7 B); Claparede’s organs typical; 3 - 1-2 - 2 (4 a included) in protonymph (Fig. 8 B; 1 c, 3 b, 4 a, 4 b added; 4 a located on membranous integument); 5 - 1-2 - 2 in later instars (Fig. 9 B – C; 1 d, 1 e added in deutonymph). Genital opening absent in larva, present since protonymph, with normal development of genital papillae: 1, 2, 3 pairs from protonymph to tritonymph, respectively; development of genital setae from protonymph to adult: 1 - 1-4 - 6; aggenital setae could not determined, obscured by neotrichous setae in para- and pro-genital region (Figs. 8 B, 9 B – C), pool numbers of these setae, deutonymph to adult, 3-6 - 11. Legs. Leg form generally similar to adult but femur I entire in larva (Fig. 7 C – E), proto- and deutonymph; faintly divided in tritonymph, and completely divided in adult. Solenidion present each on larval tibiae I–IV (φ) and tarsi I–II (ω) and constant throughout ontogeny; development of leg setae as follows. —Trochanters: larva, 0-0-0; protonymph 3 (l', v', l" added)- 3 (d, l', v' added)- 1 (d added)-0; deutonymph 4 (v" added)- 4 (v" added)- 1 - 1 (d added); tritonymph 6 (l 1 ', l 1 " added)- 6 (l", v 1 ' added)- 2 (l" added)- 3 (l", l 1 " added); adult 6-8 (d 1, l 1 ' added)- 3 (v' added)- 4 (v' added). —Femora: larva 6 (d, l', l", v', v", v 1 ")- 4 (d, l', l", v')- 4 (d, l', l", v '); protonymph 7 (d 1 added)- 5 (d 1 added)- 4 - 1 (d); deutonymph 10 (d 2, v 1 ", v 2 " added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 6 (v" added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 4 - 4 (l', l", v' added); tritonymph 12 (l 1 ', l 1 "; l' becoming eupathidial)- 11 (d 2, d 3, l 1 ', v 1 ', l 1 " added)- 7 (d 2, l 1 ", v")- 6 (d 1, v" added); adult 15 (d 3, l 2 'ζ, l 2 "ζ added)- 15 (l 2 'ζ, l 2 "ζ, v 1 ", v 2 " added; l' becoming eupathidial)- 10 (l 1 ', v 1 ', v 1 " added; l', l" becoming eupathidial)- 10 (l 1 ', v 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 " added; l' becoming eupathidial). —Genua: larva 6 (d, d 1, l', l", v', v")- 6 (d, d 1, l', l", v', v")- 5 (d, l', l", v', v"); protonymph 9 (l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ' added)- 8 (l 1 ', l 1 " added)- 5 - 5 (d, l', l", v', v"); deutonymph 13 (d 2, l 2 ', v 1 ", v 2 " added; l" becoming eupathidial, v 1 " unusually distal to v")- 11 (d 2, l 2 ', l 2 " added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 5 - 5; tritonymph 17 (d 3, l 3 ', l 2 ", v 2 ' added; l' becoming eupathidial)- 14 (d 3, l 3 ', v 1 ' added; l 1 " becoming eupathidial)- 7 (l 1 ', v 1 ' added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 5; adult 19 (l 4 ', l 3 " added; l 2 " becoming eupathidial)- 17 (l 3 ", v 1 ", v 2 ' added; l 2 ' becoming eupathidial)- 10 (l 1 ", l 2 ", v 1 " added; l' becoming eupathidial)- 9 (l 1 ', v 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 " added; l', l" becoming eupathidial). —Tibiae: larva 10 (d, k, l', l", v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ', v 1 ")- 8 (d, l', l", v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ')- 6 (d, l', l", v', v", v 1 '); protonymph 11 (v 2 ' added)- 8 - 6 - 6 (d, l', l", v', v", v 1 '); deutonymph 15 (d 1, l 2 ', l 2 ", v 2 " added)- 13 (d 1, l 2 ', v 2 ', l 2 ", v 1 " added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 10 (l 1 ', l 1 ", v 2 ', v 1 " added)- 8 (v 1 ", v 2 " added); tritonymph 20 (d 2, l 3 ', v 3 ', l 3 ", v 3 " added)- 16 (d 2, l 3 ', l 3 " added)- 12 (l 2 ', v 2 " added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 13 (l 1 ', v 2 ', v 3 ', l 1 ", l 2 " added); adult 22 (l 4 ', l 4 " added; l 3 " becoming eupathidial)- 21 (d 3, l 4 ', l 4 ", v 3 ', v 2 " added; l 2 ", l 3 " becoming eupathidial)- 15 (l 3 ', v 3 ', l 2 " added; l 1 "ζ becoming eupathidial or not)- 16 (l 2 ', v 4 ', v 3 " added; l" becoming eupathidial). —Tarsi (Figs. 7 C – E, 8 C, 10–11): larva 15 (l', l", p'ζ, p"ζ, v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ', v 1 ", l 2 ', l 2 ", v 2 ', v 2 ", ε)- 13 (l', l", p"ζ, v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ', v 1 ", l 2 ', l 2 ", v 2 ', ε)- 8 (l', bt (= l"), v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ', v 1 "); protonymph 15 - 13 - 8 - 7 (bt (= l"), v', v", l 1 ', l 1 ", v 1 ', v 1 "); deutonymph 21 (er', er", v 3 ', v 3 ", l 3 ', l 3 " added; l" becoming eupathidial)- 18 (v 2 ", l 3 ', l 3 ", v 3 ', l 4 ' added; l', l" becoming eupathidial)- 12 (er", l 2 ', v 2 ', v 2 " added)- 11 (er', er", v 2 ', v 2 " added); tritonymph 24 (l 4 ', l 4 "
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