Gig Work and the Qualification Dilemma: From the Judicial to the Theoretical Approach

Autor: Giuseppe Antonio Recchia
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Prekarisierung und soziale Entkopplung – transdisziplinäre Studien ISBN: 9783658285104
Popis: The digital era has been changing employment relationships dramatically, causing a considerable degree of legal uncertainty as to which rules can apply in the so-called platform/gig economy. The change is so profound that a certain inadequacy is manifesting in the same founding categories of labour law, such as the contract of employment and its scope. The paper aims to analyze the case law available on the gig economy and the (mis)classification of work, in a comparative perspective (Uk, Spain, Italy) which will draw similarities (and obstacles) on the more general need to respond to the gig economy workers’ protection. Ultimately, case law can help questioning whether the legal concept of juridical subordination and its main elements can govern the new forms of employment in the context of the gig economy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE