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The Status of the Victim in the Vision of International Criminal Justice and National Criminal Justice: A Comparative Study (Part I) The evolution of the process of recognizing the victim as an important subject for national and international criminal justice has been and is a long one. The reciprocal influence of national and international law has also left its mark on the determination of the place and role of the victim in criminal proceedings. However, the international recognition of the concept of ���victimology��� is nothing more than a confirmation that, under the influence of international law and national legal systems, the victim is gradually becoming increasingly important, thus promoting the concept of equity in the context of criminal proceeding, both national and international. Evolu��ia procesului de recunoa��tere a victimei ca subiect important pentru justi��iile penale na��ionale ��i interna��ionale a fost ��i este unul de durat��. Influen��a reciproc�� a dreptului na��ional ��i a dreptului interna��ional ��i-a l��sat amprenta ��i asupra determin��rii locului ��i rolului victimei ��n cadrul procesului penal. Or, recunoa��terea la nivel interna��ional a conceptului ���victimologie���, nu este altceva dec��t o confirmare a faptului c�� sub influen��a dreptului interna��ional ��i sistemele na��ionale de drept acord�� treptat o importan���� cresc��nd�� victimei, astfel promov��nd conceptul echit����ii ��n contextul proceselor penale, at��t na��ionale, c��t ��i interna��ionale. |