Infant and pre-school nutrition: Economical development, versus intervention strategies; The case of Chile

Autor: F. Mardones, S. Valiente, F. Monckeberg
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Nutrition Research. 7:327-342
ISSN: 0271-5317
DOI: 10.1016/s0271-5317(87)80022-2
Popis: Events in Chile show that it is possible to intervene effectively in the fields of health, nutrition, education and sanitation, and achieve substantial progress even though underdevelopment and proverty have not yet disappeared. It is necessary to set up a basic infrastructure in order to provide extensive and appropriate coverage. This contradicts the claims of economists who believe that progress in the above fields can only be achieved through a substantial degree of sustained economic development. This is of great importance because it provides a way of breaking the vicious circle of underdevelopment-malnutrition-underdevelopment. It is essential to preserve human resources. Only in this way can development become possible. What has been achieved in Chile has been possible as a result of continuity of programmes, despite changes of government. Results need time; events in Chile show that it is the outcome of at least three decades of continuous effort. Taken together, the measures, programmes and intervention activities have been able to reduce the adverse effects of periodic economic crisis. Lastly, it must be recognized that an important part has been played by the University of Chile. Essentially, it has been the University centres that have diagnosed the situation and helped to develop a sense of national awareness. Their research has provided a basis for the planning and implementation of forms of intervention. They have also permitted continuous evaluation and constant counselling at decision-making levels. The training of appropriately qualified professionals with a deep sense of social purpose has also been essential. It is they who in actual fact have provided continuity of action despite changes in economic policy during the period. The progress achieved can, most certainly, serve as a model to many countries in the region if they accomplish each of the stages outlined.
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