Research of the influence of a hydrocarbon coating on the operational stability of membrane fabric

Autor: E. F. Voznesensky, O. V. Vishnevskaya, L. Y. Mahotkina, V. V. Vishnevsky, D. K. Nizamova, M. F. Shaekhov, N. V. Tihonova, R. F. Ahverdiev
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1588:012006
ISSN: 1742-6596
Popis: The effect of the hydrocarbon coating on the operational stability of membrane tissues is investigated. Coating on membrane tissues was obtained by plasma-chemical vapor deposition of the products of polymerization and decomposition of acetylene. As a result, the resulting coating allows to: increase resistance to multi-cycle abrasive impact by 9,9-30,1%, while the resistance of the textile base to light, washing, dry and wet friction does not deteriorate; increase tensile strength by 5,7-13,4%; increase elongation to 11,0-18,4%. The stability of fixation of organosilicon impregnation in the structure of the textile base after modification in a nonequilibrium low-temperature plasma increases to 45,5%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE