Candida albicans Endokarditis mit mykotischen Aneurysmen der Unterschenkelarterien bei einem Patienten mit mechanischem Herzklappenersatz

Autor: Paul Spiller, Martin Kindel, Regina Sternfeldt
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Kardiologie. 91:715-718
ISSN: 0300-5860
Popis: We report on a 53-year-old patient in whom the aortic and mitral valves had been replaced. This patient developed Candida albicans sepsis with mycotic aneurysms of the tibial arteries as well as cerebral emboli under immunosuppression. Dispensing with a valve replacement operation, a sustained freedom from recurrence (period of observation currently 24 months) could be attained with antimycotic therapy with amphotericin B and flucytosine i.v. and subsequent long-term therapy with fluconazole p.o. as well as surgical and interventional clearance of the mycotic aneurysms.
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