Adaptación psicométrica de las escalas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en una muestra de adolescentes salvadoreños

Autor: Marlon Elías Lobos-Rivera, José Ricardo Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, Jennyfer Carolina Tejada-Rodríguez
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Entorno. :12-22
ISSN: 2218-3345
Popis: This study focuses on adapting the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) in a sample of Salvadorean teenagers. In order to do so, a non-probabilistic sample of 280 Salvadorean adolescents was taken. This is an instrumental study with a retrospective and transversal design; a survey was used for data collection. In addition to the DASS, the Goldberg´s Depression and Anxiety Scale was also applied. The median for the total ages was 17.47 years old. In reference to sex, 95 (33,9%) were male, and 185 (66,1%) were female. The results indicate that the test possesses an adequate validity in its construct, criteria and reliability to measure these problems in Salvadorean adolescents. Keywords: Youth - Stress (psychology) - El Salvador, Anxiety - Case studies - El Salvador, Youth - Life behavior - El Salvador, Emotional problems in young people - El Salvador. URI:
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