Forest Canopy Height Estimation from Interferometric Tandem-X Coherence Data Over Complex Terrain Area

Autor: Wangfei Zhang, Zengzyuan Li, Lei Zhao, Yaxiong Fan, Erxue Chen, Yongjie Ji
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.1109/igarss.2018.8518695
Popis: In this study, a simple semi-empirical model based on random volume over ground model framework was used to estimate forest canopy height through single-pass TanDEM-X interferometric coherence data. Many studies have showed that SINC model could have good performance for forest canopy height inversion in relatively flat areas, this paper is aimed at assessing whether this method works well over complex terrain areas. The result showed that the inversion accuracy is influenced by local incidence angle and should be considered when mapping forest canopy height using SINC model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE