ANR EXAMIN DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR SEISMIC RISK AND LOSS ASSESSMENT BASED ON 'PHYSICS-BASED' WAVE PROPAGATION SIMULATION ACCOUNTING FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL VARIABILITY. • Identification of local spatial variability, modelling of regional and local spatial variability • Physics based simulation : provides metamodel for the creation of ground motion intensity maps (instead of GMPE) + waveforms for structural analyses Application to Grenoble basin

Autor: I Zentner, F De Martin, C Cornou, P Gehl, P Sochala, A Imtiaz, K Meza-Fajardo, E Chaljub, G Devesa, G Senfaute, B Guillier, M Wathelet, V Alves-Fernandes, E Maufroy
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.23540.45445
Databáze: OpenAIRE