Psychological Management of the Unhappy Post-blepharoplasty Patient

Autor: Karyn S. Goldberg-Boltz, Robert A. Goldberg
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Avoiding and Managing Complications in Cosmetic Oculofacial Surgery ISBN: 9783030511517
Popis: One of the most difficult challenges in aesthetic surgery is dealing with the unhappy postoperative patient. Unhappy patients are unpleasant in any field of medicine. Surgeons by and large are perfectionists, deeply engaged and heavily invested in their work, and immersed in the responsibility of getting the best possible result for their patient. Therefore, we are disappointed and personally affected by any patient who is unhappy with their result. But I believe that in aesthetic surgery, the stakes are particularly high. The patient doesn’t start out with a life-threatening problem: they typically come in healthy. Their expectations are high. They have paid a lot of money out of pocket and therefore feel entitled to a good result. Therefore, when things go awry in the postoperative course, the stage is set for a very bumpy ride. The surgeon must be most masterful in order to guide the patient through this part of their journey and achieve as good a result as possible both physically and psychologically.
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