Toxico-immunologic and serologic relationship of B. botulinus, type C, and B. parabotulinus, 'seddon.' XXII

Autor: W. Pfenninger
Rok vydání: 1924
Zdroj: Journal of Infectious Diseases. 35:347-352
ISSN: 1537-6613
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/35.4.347
Popis: During the past few years, organisms forming soluble toxins which in susceptible animals produce symptoms and pathologic changes indistinguishable from those noted after the administration of botulinus toxin, types A or B, have been found in widely divergent localities. The organism isolated by Bengtson 1 and Graham 2 in the United States, and known as B. botulinus type C, was first isolated from the larvae of the green fly Lucilia seratica, later from the contents of the crops of chickens, which had died of "limberneck" and from the stomach content of a horse. The Australian type culturally and biochemically almost similar to the type C strains was isolated by Seddon 3 from the bone marrow of a fatal case of so-called midland cattle disease in Tasmania. He called the organism "B. parabotulinus" and considered it of etiologic importance. Midland cattle disease appears to be identical with impaction paralysis found in Victoria, with "dry bible" in South Australia and also with lamziekte of South Africa. Biochemical, cultural and toxicologic studies of type C strains have been reported by Bengtson. She believes that the type C is more closely related to the original van Ermengem culture than are the A or B strains. A preliminary study has shown that the C type strains cannot be' distinguished morphologically or culturally from the B. parabotulinus strain. It will be shown in a later paper that the two species are so nearly alike in their metabolism that they cannot be differentiated by the ordinary chemical changes produced in culture mediums. The following questions therefore arose: Are the type C and the "Seddon" strains serologically and toxicologically alike? If not, is there any relationship between them and the A and B types ?
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