A Research Approach to Investigating Curricular Innovation: Negotiating the Stakeholders and Gatekeepers of Korean English Language Teaching

Autor: Michel N. Trottier
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 4:43-58
ISSN: 1833-4105
DOI: 10.5172/ijpl.4.2.43
Popis: This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of framing educational research around the politics of curricular innovation in South Korea. The innovation in question concerns the reconstruction of traditional classroom-based English as a foreign language in the form of more communicative, experiential programs. In response to the urgent need for more alternative sources of quality English immersion, so-called ‘English villages’ have articulated a bold new approach. At the same time, however, the combination of media hype and political controversy surrounding English villages has effectively blurred their mandate, leading many to question their overall legitimacy. Markee (2002) states that all innovation is risky, and that curricular reform is bound to be political and controversial. Thus, for a graduate student in the initial design stages of doctoral research, the task of trying to distinguish legitimate curricular innovation from the “business of English” (Finch & Shin, 2005) in Korea me...
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