Iron Overload in Africa

Autor: Paul Effler, Zivanai Chapanduka, R. W. Martell, Mukiibi Jm, George L. West, Jean Emmanual, Wade S. Samowitz, Paula J. Romano, Maurice Randall, Corwin Q. Edwards, Neal Nkanza, Gary M. Brittenham, Paul Boone, Solomon Ndambire, Toyoko S. Yamashita, Sandra J. Hasstedt, Victor R. Gordeuk
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: New England Journal of Medicine. 326:95-100
ISSN: 1533-4406
Popis: Background and Methods. In contrast to hemochromatosis, which in white populations is inherited through a gene linked to the HLA locus, iron overload in sub-Saharan Africa is believed to result solely from increased dietary iron derived from traditional home-brewed beer. To examine the hypothesis that African iron overload also involves a genetic factor, we used likelihood analysis to test for an interaction between a gene (the hypothesized iron-loading locus) and an environmental factor (increased dietary iron) that determines transferrin saturation and unsaturated iron-binding capacity. We studied 236 members of 36 African families chosen because they contained index subjects with iron overload. Linkage to the HLA region was tested with use of lod scores. Results. In the index subjects, increased iron was present in both hepatocytes and cells of the mononuclearphagocyte system. Among family members with increased dietary iron due to the consumption of traditional beer, transferrin saturation in...
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