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Kazimierzus nieuwoudtvillensis Nxele & Plisko, sp. n. (Figure 2) Locality and material. South Africa: Northern Cape: Nieuwoudtville, south of Nieuwoudtville in flat lands, roadside deep soil (31.43191S 19.13628E), 719 m asl, 05.ix.2011, J.D. Plisko, S. James, T. Nxele, P. Madonda leg. Holotype. One clitellate, NMSA / OLIG. 04990a. Paratypes. Two clitellates, NMSA / OLIG.04796. Additional material. Four juveniles, NMSA / OLIG. 04990b, c. Description. External. Holotype: Body length> 215 mm, abscised, width 18 mm at tubercula. Segment number> 320. Paratypes: 175–182 mm in length, width 6 mm. Colour light violet dorsally and whitish grey ventrally. Prostomium prolobous. Preclitellar segments with secondary annulations: segments 1–2 simple and fused, appearing as one segment, 3 simple, segments 4–7 with annulus subdivided to make four annuli of equal size, 8–9 with six annuli. Setae aa < bc: ab>cd closely paired, on papillae, minute. Male pores not observed. Female pores not observed. Spermathecal pores not observed. Clitellum saddle-shaped on 12–25, segmented, dorsal borders well marked. Tubercula pubertatis on 17–20, distinct, clearly marked. Genital papillae on 10–25, 26, slight swellings on setae. Internal. Septa 4/5, 5/6, 6/7 thickened, muscular, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10 also thickened with 7/8 stronger than 8/9, 9/10. Other septa thin. Gizzard well developed in 7, globular, muscular. Calciferous glands in 10–11, fused dorsally. Intestinal origin in 13. Dorsal blood vessel simple throughout the body. Nephridia holoic, one pair per segment with J-shaped bladders. Holandric, male funnels in separate sacs, closely associated with seminal vesicles. Seminal vesicles in 11 and 12, the posterior pair large, extending to 15 on the left side and 16 on right. Spermathecae on both ab and cd setal lines, multiple per segment in 12/13–15/16, in rows, medium and round, different numbers per segment (Fig. 2). Genital glands present, different shapes and sizes on 10–26. Etymology. Type locality, named after Nieuwoudtville town. Remarks. This species is similar to K. peringueyi (Michaelsen, 1913) in appearance but differs in spermathecae; they are in five segments in peringueyi but in four in nieuwoudtvillensis (Table 1). Michaelsen highlighted that the clitellum in peringueyi starts partly on 13, in nieuwoudtvillensis the clitellum is on 12–25. |