π−-meson and nucleon yields from light targets irradiated by deuterium and tritium nuclei beams at energies of 1 GeV/nucleon

Autor: K. K. Gudima, A. I. Kievitskaya, S. E. Chigrinov, V. A. Petlitsky
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Hyperfine Interactions. 77:149-159
ISSN: 1572-9540
DOI: 10.1007/bf02320308
Popis: In this paper, we present a model of calculation with respect to the interactions of high-energy nuclei with matter. Based on this model, we obtain results on energy and angular spectra of the n- and π−-particles produced in collisions of deuterium and tritium nuclei at energiesTd=1 GeV/nucleon with light targets such as Li, Be. We have also estimated the production yields of neutrons and π−-mesons in targets of various radii, as well as mean energies of these these particles. Summarizing, we find that the lithium target of radiusR=10−12 cm for which the energy cost eπ to produce one π−-meson is estimated as 6.7 GeV/π for a d-beam and 5.3 GeV/π for a t-beam is the most preferred pion-production target.
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