Autor: Binnaz Asanova
Rok vydání: 2019
ISSN: 2545-4439
DOI: 10.35120/kij3002345a
Popis: Treating issues related to the practical education in the specialty "Medical Aesthetic Care" is a topical discussion for the development of higher education in the field of "Healthcare". In the current conditions of education, the creation and development of innovative approaches forms is emerging as a necessity for updating the learning process and maintaining the motivation of students. The attitude of a number of authors is that innovations improve quality of education. Whether achievement is the pedagogical goals of innovative approaches a sufficient condition for their effectiveness? Is it sufficient that students have mastered certain knowledge in a different way than the classical one? To these and other questions concerning the use of innovative approaches to education, most of the answers and solutions are being discussed in this report. In our practice, alongside with the classical forms of training, new models are being applied to diversify and develop the learning process. One of these models is based on learning by reconstruction of the real working environment, with the active participation of students. Thus, with the application of interactive education methods, the opportunity for development of the practical education is also provided. An example is the developed and implemented active model of "practical education in a real working environment". The report presents a training model created by us and its usefulness in the development of knowledge, skills and professional competences, and the development of personal qualities of every student. As main criteria for assessment of the methods the following components are used: educational assessment; views of learners and users of staff by conducting a survey. The forwarded innovation represents a challenge, to modern educational practices. It allows to change and adapt the learning process to the time in which we live and the new generation of learners. But, the responsibility for using innovations is great one. The way they affect students; trainers and the learning process should be analyzed and reviewed periodically to confirm their usefulness, and also find their disadvantages and the ways to overcome them.
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