Fusion Power Demonstration

Autor: R. Botwin, I.R. Clarkson, W.S. Neef, B. G. Logan, R. B. Campbell, C.D. Henning, Ralph W. Moir, Grumman, G. A. Carlson, T.J. Carpenter
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Nuclear Technology - Fusion. 4:67-72
ISSN: 0272-3921
DOI: 10.13182/fst83-a22847
Popis: As a satellite to the MARS (Mirror Advanced Reactor Study) a smaller, near-term device has been scoped, called the FPD (Fusion Power Demonstration). Envisioned as the next logical step toward a power reactor, it would advance the mirror fusion program beyond MFTF-B and provide an intermediate step toward commercial fusion power. Breakeven net electric power capability would be the goal such that no net utility power would be required to sustain the operation. A phased implementation is envisioned, with a deuterium checkout first to verify the plasma systems before significant neutron activation has occurred. Major tritium-related facilities would be installed with the second phase to produce sufficient fusion power to supply the recirculating power to maintain the neutral beams, ECRH, magnets and other auxiliary equipment.
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