Effect of Abdominal Fat Distribution on Leptin in Regular Exercisers

Autor: Shiou Tau Shu, Te Hung Tsao, Chin Hsing Hsu, Chang Bin Yang
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation. 17:16-23
ISSN: 2075-4604
DOI: 10.24112/ajper.171872
Popis: LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. Purpose: In this study, we examined different regular exercisers’ abdominal fat distribution and relationships between serum leptin levels and the abdominal fat distribution. In addition, determining whether the waist (WC) and hip circumferences (HC) were related to the abdominal fat distribution in regular exercisers was another goal of this study. Method: runners (R, n=12) and swimmers (S, n=9), who exercised at least 5 times/week for 30 minutes/time and for at least 3 years, participated in this study. In addition, sedentary individuals (n=10), who exercised less than once/week and > 30 minutes/per time, served as a control group (C). All participants had a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for the abdominal fat distribution, blood analysis for leptin and measurements of WC, HC and body-mass index (BMI). Results: On the basis of BMI-matching, the R group’s abdominal visceral fat (0.4±0.3L) was less than those of the S and C groups (0.8±0.2L and 0.9±0.3L, respectively), and no significant differences in abdominal subcutaneous fat or serum leptin levels were evident among these three groups. The relationships between serum leptin and the abdominal fat distribution differed in the R and S groups. In the measurement of body circumference and abdominal fat distribution, WC was significantly related to abdominal subcutaneous fat among the three groups. Conclusions: Taking regular exercise can cause a decrease in the visceral fat accumulation, especially for people who are regular runners. The WC can be used to predict the abdominal subcutaneous fat of exercisers. Further studies are required in the future to determine the contribution of abdominal fat to serum leptin in exercisers. 本研究目的:探討不同規律運動者腹部脂肪分佈與瘦體蛋白的關係。再者,規律運動者腹部脂肪分佈與體圍 (腰圍與臀圍) 是否有關,是本研究另一目的。方法:分別有12位與9位長期從事慢跑與游泳的受試者參與,其從事該項運動至少3年,每週至少5次,每次至少30分鐘以上。另外有10位坐式生活者 (每週至多一次,每次不超過30分鐘的身體活動) 作為控制組。所有受試者都接受磁共振造影掃瞄腹部脂肪分佈,隔夜禁食之血液中瘦體蛋白濃度分析與腰圍與臀圍的測量。結果:在三組的受試者身體質量指數未達顯著差異,慢跑組的腹部內臟脂肪體積顯著少於游泳組與控制組。但三組之間的腹部皮下脂肪體積與血液中瘦體蛋白未達顯著差異。再者,慢跑組與游泳組的瘦體蛋白與腹部脂肪分佈的關係呈現不同。在體圍與腹部脂肪分佈,三組的腰圍與腹部皮下脂肪體積有顯著相關。結論:從事規律的運動有助於減少腹部內臟脂肪堆積,特別是從事規律慢跑者。腰圍可用來預測運動者的腹部皮下脂肪。然而對於規律運動者腹部脂肪與瘦體蛋白的關係仍須未來更多研究進行探討。
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