Observer error in sampling a rare plant population

Autor: Lloyd W. Morrison, Craig C. Young
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Plant Ecology & Diversity. 9:289-297
ISSN: 1755-1668
Popis: Background: Estimation of abundance in vegetation sampling involving observers is almost always characterised by observer error, although such error is rarely reported.Aims: To quantify observer error in population estimation of the rare plant species Physaria filiformis in Missouri, USA.Methods: The abundance of P. filiformis was estimated within 25-m2 plots by six trained observers with varying experience levels over 10 years. Observers assigned plots to six predefined density classes. A total of 477 plots were estimated annually, and actual counts were conducted on ca. 10% of the plots to assess per cent agreement of estimates with counts.Results: Over a third of the estimates of plant abundance evaluated for accuracy (36.4%) deviated from exhaustive counts. The majority of the misestimates were underestimates by one density class (29.4%). The number and type of misestimates varied systematically with density class.Conclusions: Observer error could be explained to some degree by variation in population...
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