Judaizm wobec ducha natury ludzkiej. Hermanna Cohena ujęcie kultury w perspektywie etyki i antropologii

Autor: Anna Musioł
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia. 14:59-67
ISSN: 1895-8001
DOI: 10.19195/1895-8001.14.3.4
Popis: Judaism and the Spirit of Human Nature: Hermann Cohen’s View of Culture in Ethical and Anthropological PerspectiveIn the paper, I argue for Hermann Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism by verifying the thesis, according to Cohen, being an apologist of the distinguished religion system, which perceives the spirit of Judaism in terms of the spirit of the human nature in general. Cohen regrets the fact that the ties between religion and culture have been broken. Asking about the unity of Culture, he openly proclaims the view that one of the most well-known conflicts occurs between science about man and religion/theology as a science about God. This conflict has the status of a dispute pending in the broadly defined area of Culture.
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