Semantics-Driven Interoperability on the Future Internet

Autor: Agata Filipowska, Elena Simperl, Graham Hench, Ioan Toma, John Domingue
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: ICSC
Popis: The Internet as we know it today is in an extending success: more than 1,3 billions people are connected to the Web across the globe and more than 700 EB of informations were created or replicated world wide. The development is driven by users, as well as by technology. Web 2.0 changed users to creators of content. Intelligent devices, clothes, fridges, machines and factories are connected and interact automatically without direct human involvement. But since the current Internet consist mostly of unstructured data and resources, most of the data and resources are unusable for the average user. The fact is, the current Internet is broken. We still have not one Web, but a vast variety of different unlinked data. The Future Internet will have to change. This paper proposes a roadmap for research and development in the field of the Future Internet. The roadmap surveys the main challenges to be addressed within the core cross-domain areas of the Future Internet, challenges that need to be solved if a successful Future Internet is to emerge. Each of these challenges is described in a dedicated section that analyzes the state of the art, proposes solutions on how to overcome the major problems, and elaborates on the role of semantic technologies in the resolution of these problems.
Databáze: OpenAIRE